Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So this weeks project was the storyboard thing. I do not really like it. WE just started it. All we did was make a slideshow of our basic movie idea. I do not really like brainstorming so I found this difficult. I was put with two freshmen. I love freshmen but they can be difficult to work with. I somewhat wish I was put with my sophomore friends, heck; I’d even take non-friend sophomores. Freshmen require way too much attention. They did not know how to use PowerPoint but I think by the end of this project they understood it a bit more.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Name Art

I found that the hardest thing about this project was finding a good song to use. There are so many good ones out there. Once I chose one I decided it sounded too depressing, or too upbeat, or maybe even too happy.  There isn’t one song that can describe me perfectly which is frustrating. The next challenge was all my pictures I wanted to use were on facebook and since that was blocked and I couldn’t get them. I also wanted to make some interesting collages on polyvore but blackbaud would not let me get on it. But other wise it turned out well I think.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Charity Letter

I found writing a charity letter some what difficult. The merging of the contacts was simple. I did not enjoy researching a company and an organization and then pretending to play business and write a charity letter. I lack imagination so I found it hard to make up a letter and a fake fundraiser to run. Even making up recipient’s names was hard. I’m pretty sure the creativity part of my brain is extremely challenged. I hope That when I grow up I never have a job that requires me to do this, because I would not enjoy it at all.


I LOVE M&M's!!!!! So today we got to do an m&m project. All we had to do was separate them by color and count them up. Then put the numbers in exel. Then make a pie graph it was fun and easy and a good way to learn about exel. I liked it because I got to eat the amazingly yummy Chocolate treats called m&m’s. It was good. Thanks to PND’s Tech teacher’s for buying them for us. Loved them and was a great way to start my day. Another thanks to my classmates for telling me the number of m&m’s they had.

Monday, November 29, 2010

New? (:

I am so excited to start this class. My name is Ashley and I am a sophomore at Notre Dame high school. I play 2 varsity sports, swim and softball. On top of all of that I am the oldest child of four. I have 2 little sisters and a little brother. They annoy me to no end! I love to be on the computer, but texting is better. I am fairly good on the computer, my whole family has to ask me for help if they don’t know how to do something. I am really looking forward to learning even more about computers!